My projects.

Check out my GitHub for a full list of my projects.

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Melon Man Game
Unity / C#

Full 2D-platformer game featuring multiple levels, highscrores and more. Play on Steam soon.

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Fake person data API
Express/JS and HTML/CSS

REST API using Express and Faker.js to generate fake user data. Please wait for it to spin up.

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Mobile Forecast App
HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Mobile-first web weather forecast app to show forecast by location via OpenWeatherMap.

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Weather Web App
HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Uses OpenWeatherMap API to fetch and display weather data by user location or query.

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QR-code generator

Simple QR-code generator featuring a GUI. Input text or link to generate a QR-code.

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Discord Bot "Dino"

Fetch weather using OpenWeatherMap API, answer with pre-defined messages.

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My Portfolio
Bootstrap and Firebase

My new portfolio, getting to know "the cloud", has automatic deployment from GitHub.

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